
Banking Law

Banking has changed dramatically in recent years. We have met those challenges with our clients and provide a full spectrum of services for regulation requirements, CRA audits, and packaging and processing documents for all types of lending.


Whether your interest is municipal funding, development, ordinance research, parks and recreation, purchasing, or any other municipal issue, Mefford and Weber has the experience to help you with your project.

School Law

We are a member of the Council of Attorneys with the National School Boards Association. Erik Weber has over 25 years’ experience representing school clients in all phases of such school-related matters as regulatory requirements, State Board of Accounts audits, labor matters, and meeting ever-changing requirements concerning students, teachers, and workplace.

©2018 Mefford and Weber, P.C. - Attorneys at Law
130 East Seventh Street Auburn, Indiana 46706-1839
P: 260.925.2300 ~ FX: 260.925.2610

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