Estate administration starts with opening the estate, ascertaining values and gathering assets to file an inventory, through obtaining final tax clearances and closing. Final tax returns, state and federal, are promptly completed and filed. Most important, we establish regular contact with beneficiaries so they will know how the administration is proceeding. We work toward a prompt closing of the estate to get the most assets to the beneficiaries at the earliest possible time.
The earlier a client starts personal estate planning, the more tax savings the client will realize. Yet, it is never too late to start. We assist in drafting and preparation of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, health-care powers of attorney, and living will declarations. This is where we "make money" for our clients.
Another possibility for present management of wealth and future conservation of assets is the use of trusts. It may help the client save substantial amounts of money. These documents may be made in conjunction with the drafting and preparation of wills, durable powers of attorney, health-care proxies, and living will declarations. Again, this is where we "make money" for our clients.
We work closely with our clients in drafting and preparation of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and advance directives. Each instrument is tailor-made. We find every client’s situation a challenge for giving the most at death with the least expense and tax impact.
©2018 Mefford and Weber, P.C.
- Attorneys at Law
130 East Seventh Street Auburn, Indiana 46706-1839
P: 260.925.2300 ~ FX: 260.925.2610
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