Donald T. Mefford (In Memoriam)

Attorney at Law

Areas of Practice

  • Banking
  • Business and Commercial Law
  • Elder Law
  • Estate Planning and Administration
  • School Law
  • Corporate Law

Don was born in Auburn, Indiana, and graduated from Auburn High School. He was awarded an American Legion scholarship to attend Wabash College.

He served in the United States Air Force from 1951 to 1953, then returned to Indiana to attend Indiana University School of Law. In 1956 he was admitted to the bar and began private practice. Don joined Husselman and Husselman in 1957. He was licensed to practice in the Indiana and U.S. District Courts, Northern and Southern Districts of Indiana; 1972, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, and U.S. Supreme Court; 1983, U.S. Tax Court.

Because of his lifelong connection with Auburn and DeKalb County, and his involvement in city government, the school district, and local church and service organizations, Don was well-known in this community. He served as a member of the DeKalb County Central United School District Board of Education; trustee of Eckhart Public Library; and in various local and synodical church positions.

He represented DeKalb County Central United School District (1962-1972; 1978); City of Auburn (1964-1975 and 1992-1994, through the terms of Mayors C. L. Boger, Don Allison, John Foley, and Norman Rohm); and the Town of Ashley (1980-1995).

©2018 Mefford and Weber, P.C. - Attorneys at Law
130 East Seventh Street Auburn, Indiana 46706-1839
P: 260.925.2300 ~ FX: 260.925.2610

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